Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Governors (September 2024)

The governing board comprises 12 members:

3 parent governors, 1 Local Authority governor, 1 Headteacher, 1 staff governor and 6 co-opted governors. Our Instrument of Governance was reconstituted on 11th November 2014.

Governors can be contacted through the school office:

Tel: 01298 23261

Harpur Hill Primary School, Trent Avenue, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9LP

The Clerk to Governors is Catrin Meaden:


The Chair of Governors is Mark Rushworth


What do Governors do?

The School Governors play an important role in supporting the Headteacher to effectively lead and manage the school. The full governing board meets once each term.

The three core functions of a governing board are:

  • Setting vision, ethos and strategic direction, engaging stakeholders, and ensuring statutory duties are met.

  • Holding the headteacher to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety; challenging and strengthening leadership; contributing to school self-evaluation.
  • Ensuring financial solvency and probity with effective management of financial resources, including the Pupil Premium, to raise standards.

Our Governors liaise with Derbyshire County Council about the maintenance of school buildings, equipment and aspects of finance.  They oversee what is taught in the school including the introduction of National Curriculum initiatives and their effectiveness. They approve policy statements and determine the school's financial affairs as well as overseeing health and safety, and the appointment of staff.  They work closely with the school staff, receiving regular reports from the Headteacher.

Governors regularly visit the school and have links with staff, pupils, parents and the local community. 


Business and Financial Interests

Victoria Giliker: Trustee for Peak District Music Centres

Mark Rushworth: Works for Connex, Trustee for Gradbach Scout Camp and High Peak District Scout Council, a family member works at Harpur Hill Primary School and Nursery

Vicky Morrell: Works within Derbyshire County Council

Caitlin Bisknell: Chair of Governors at Fairfield Endowed Junior School

Matthew Lomas: Works for Buxton Community School.

Gary Wentworth: Works for Buxton Community School 

Kim O'Brien: Works within Derbyshire County Council.

Jonathan Dey: Works for Orbital Education (internationally)

Anne Rogerson: Trustee of Fairfield Endowed School Trust, Fellow of RSA


Governor Committees

We have 2 main governors’ sub-committees:

  • Leadership and Management (including Finance and Performance Management)
  • Learning, Teaching and Assessment 

These committees meet regularly each term and are in addition to the main meetings where all Governors are expected to attend.

Leadership and Management (including Finance and Performance Management)

The Leadership and Management Committee reviews how the resources of the school are managed. The committee reviews the school’s finance policies and school budget along with policies and matters relating to staffing and personnel, premises and health and safety.  

Chair: Vicky Morrell - vickymorrell@harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk

Members: Mathew Lomas, Mark Rushworth, Vicky Morrell and Kim O'Brien.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment 

The Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Committee reviews the curriculum along with TLA and curriculum-related policies. They help school leaders to monitor the quality of teaching, learning and assessment aspects of the school. It reviews the school improvement plan and monitors the school’s self evaluation summary as well as progress towards key areas identified by Ofsted. This committee regularly analyses the performance of the school in terms of pupil progress and attainment. It also monitors the impact of the Pupil Premium grant.

Chair: Anne Rogerson - anne.rogerson@harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk 

Members: Lis Carver, Anne Rogerson, Mark Rushworth, Caitlin Bisknell, Gary Wentworth.

Named Governors

We have named governors who have responsibility for key areas such as safeguarding, health and safety, SEND and subject areas such as English and Maths etc.


Governor Profiles

Role Abbreviations: TLA: Teaching, learning and assessment,    M&L: Management and Leadership


Term of Office



Appointed by

Mark Rushworth




Chair of Full Governing Board

TLA Committee

M&L Committee

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

Lis Carver




TLA Committee 

 Staff Governor 


Victoria Giliker




M&L Committee



Mathew Lomas




M&L Committee

Co-Opted Governor

Governing Body

Caitlin Bisknell




TLA Committee 


Co-opted Governor


Governing Body 

Vicky Morrell




Vice Chair of Full Governors

Chair of Management and Leadership


Co-opted Governor


Governing Body


Anne Rogerson





Vice Chair of Full Governors 

Chair of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Co-opted Governor 

 Governing Body


Gary Wentworth





 TLA Committee

 Parent Governor

 Parents of school

Kim O'Brien




M&L Committee

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

Jen Holmes





Parent Governor

Parents of school


Jonathan Dey





TLA & M&L Committee

LA Governor



Wendy Perry






Parent Governor

Parents of school


Governor Roles in Other Schools

The following governors are also represented on the governing body in other schools:

Caitlin Bisknell is a Governor at Fairfield Endowed CE Junior School 

Governor attendance 2023 - 2024

Full Governing Body

  12.12.2023 05.03.2024 07.05.2024 18.06.2024 09.07.2024 24.09.2024 10.12.2024 04/02/2025
Mark Rushworth  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  
Vicky Giliker  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
Vicky Morrell    /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Anne Rogerson  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
Lis Carver  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
Matt Lomas  /  /    /  /  /
Ryan Gordine    
Caitlin Bisknell  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
Gary Wentworth  /  /  /    /
Kim O'Brien  /  /  /  /  /  /
Amanda Nuttall  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
Jen Holmes  /  /    /
Jonathan Dey  /  /  /
Wendy Perry


Sub Committees

06.02.2024  06.02.2024 12.11.2024 12.11.2024
M & L T, L & A M & L T, L & A
Mark Rushworth  /  /
Vicky Giliker  /  /  /  /
Vicky Morrell  /    /
Anne Rogerson     /  /
Lis Carver    /  /
Matt Lomas    /
Ryan Gordine  
Caitlin Bisknell  /  /  /
Gary Wentworth    /
Kim O'Brien  /  
Amanda Nuttall  /  /  /
Jonathan Dey  /  /
Wendy Perry