Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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School Uniform

 At Harpur Hill Primary School we expect our children to wear school uniform.




Burgundy sweatshirt, cardigan


Burgundy sweatshirt, cardigan

White or burgundy polo shirt                              

White or burgundy polo shirt                              

Grey or black trousers

Grey or black trousers (no leggings please)

Grey or black ‘city shorts’ (just above the knee) 

Grey or black skirts


Grey or black tights


Red checked summer dresses

Black shoes (plain black boots in winter)




Sensible black shoes (plain black boots in winter)

Closed toe sandals for summer time (open toe sandals are not suitable for our school environment)


PE kit:       

Black or navy school PE shorts,

White T-shirt,

Pumps for indoors,

Trainers and jogging bottoms for outdoor PE  


Where to buy school uniform

We do not keep any stock of uniforms, other than PE/book bags and rucksacks; parents are asked to order directly online using our supplier 'Mapac', please click on the following links:


Mapac - Harpur Hill Uniform

You will need to register with Mapac by entering your email address, password, name and telephone number.     

School branded items are available from Mapac. However, you may also wish to purchase unbranded school wear in school colours e.g. burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan.

We have a large amount of good quality, second-hand uniform in school. Please contact the office if you would like to have a look. This is free of charge. 

For PE, please note the following health and safety rules:

Long hair should be tied back (plain, narrow headbands and small clips may be used to tie hair back) 

EarringsPlain gold or silver stud earrings are allowed as long as children are able to remove them themselves as required in PE, games or swimming.  It helps if children do not wear earrings on the days they have PE.  If children have newly pierced ears, they may do PE, but must come to school with earrings taped up.  Staff are not permitted to remove earrings or tape up earrings.

Ideally, it is best to wait until the 6 weeks holiday if you are thinking of getting your child’s ears pierced.


Hair Styles, Jewellery etc:

Children should not come to school with extreme hair styles e.g. shaved patterns into the hair, vivid hair dye.  Plain coloured headbands are allowed but please do not send your child to school wearing flower/attachments/multi colours/Jo Jo bows

Children should not come to school wearing nail varnish, make up, temporary tattoos or items of jewellery (see above for exceptions).

Please ensure that all garments and shoes have your child’s name clearly marked with a waterproof marker or a label.