School Governor: Caitlin Bisknell
I was delighted to be invited to join the governing body as a co-opted governor. I have seen school life through many prisms: parent, governor, county councillor and now as the parent of a teacher, and I want to share that knowledge to help Harpur Hill on its Learning for Life journey.
I am as passionate about education today as I was when my own children went to school; I firmly believe that all our children deserve the very best possible start in life and that the primary school years are the most important.
We want Harpur Hill to be at the heart of this community and as the school has grows we hope to provide wider opportunities for everyone. Here at Harpur Hill the staff and governors are always searching for new and better ways for our children to enjoy their learning journey, develop their independence and resilience.
I have lived in Buxton for nearly 20 years, both of my, now adult, children went to school in Buxton. I have been a borough and a county councillor for the town.