Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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School Governor: Mrs Anne Rogerson

This Yorkshire “lass” has a lifelong passion for education, having wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Given the help and encouragement of my parents and quality schooling, I realised my dream. I have worked in a range of secondary schools and the final post I had was as Headteacher of a comprehensive school in Warwickshire. In 2018 I was delighted to have the opportunity of maintaining my contact with schools through being invited to join the Governing Body of Harpur Hill Primary School, where I really enjoy helping fellow governors, staff and parents/carers bring opportunities to the children at the school.

After retiring, my husband Simon and I moved to Buxton in 2011 as we wanted to live in this area, having spent many happy hours holidaying and walking in the Peak District The warmth of the welcome we have received, and the opportunities for being involved in the local community prove it was definitely the right decision. The additional bonus is that we are only a half hour drive from our daughter, her husband and our three gorgeous young grandchildren. 

We continue with our love of walking, involvement in the theatre and the very active Buxton and District U3A. In addition, in Spring 2023 I was appointed as a Trustee of Fairfield School Foundation, a local education-based charity. I am also now a judge for the BBC 500 words competition. This is a national competition aimed at encouraging young people aged from 5-11 years to write a short story of less than 500 words. Let’s have some entrants from Harpur Hill (though I obviously won’t be a judge for this region). 

I am proud to serve as a governor of Harpur Hill Primary School, where children are at the centre of everything that the school sets out to achieve and every child is important.