Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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 Year 6 Learning Area

Oak - Mrs Nuttall 

Maple - Mr Kilgallon

Here you will find useful and important information that is relevant to your child's learning throughout the year such as their 'learning journeys', end of year expectations and spellings etc. There will also be letters for Year 6 parents.  


Learning  Journeys by term

1st Half Term

 2nd Half Term


      Were the Vikings raiders,         
      traders or settlers?

      Why should the rainforest be          important to us all?


What was the impact of World War II on the people of Britain?

What are some of the major  geographical features in Africa, and which countries are they  located in?


End of Year Expectations (reading, writing and mathematics):

Year 6 Expectations



Year 5 & 6 - Glossary of words used in spelling, grammar and punctuation 


Useful revision sites:
Year 6 presentation

Useful KS2 SATS information for parents and carers

BBC Bitesize maths

BBC Bitesize English

Maths is Fun (particularly useful for number and calculations)