Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Snow Days


Here are some snow-related activity suggestions:

Snowman Instruction Writing

First of all, go outside and build a snowman. Then write some instructions titled  'How to Build a Snowman'
Don't forget to include:
  • You will need
  • Step by step instructions
  • Use imperative ('bossy') verbs e.g. roll, put


Create a snow-day wordsearch.
Words could include: snow, sledge, hot chocolate etc

Snowman Story

Imagine you have made a snowman.  He comes to life!  What will you do?  Write about your adventures?  What will happen in the end?


Links for other snowy activities:

Snow Day Acrostic Poem Writing Activity Sheet

Snowflake Write Your Own Poetry

Snow day home learning challenges

Snow Day Selfies Activity Sheet


Comprehension Activities about scientists and inventors

KS1 - The Women Who Have Helped Build NASA Reading Comprehension

KS1 - Sir Isaac Newton Differentiated Reading Comprehension 

Lower KS2 - Marie Maynard Daly Differentiated Reading Comprehension

Lower KS2 - Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the World Wide Web Reading Comprehension Activity

Upper KS2 - Sir Isaac Newton Reading Comprehension

Upper KS2 - The Women Who Helped Build NASA Reading Comprehension