Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Computing at Harpur Hill Primary School


At Harpur Hill Primary School we have a clear and simple vision: the children should be online-safe, online-inspired and online-confident.


Curriculum Intent

Computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures.  At Harpur Hill Primary School we will provide all of our children with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on computing. As computing technology underpins today’s modern lifestyle it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world.

Curriculum Implementation

As a school, we have chosen the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Early Years to Year 6. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential. We are confident that the scheme of work more than adequately meets the national vision for Computing. It provides immense flexibility, strong cross-curricular links and integrates perfectly with the 2Simple Computing Assessment Tool. Furthermore, it gives excellent supporting material for less confident teachers.


Curriculum Impact

By the time they leave Harpur Hill Primary School, we want all of our children to be fully aware of the significant risks (and benefits) of the internet and to know how to safeguard themselves in this area. We want every child to have a thorough understanding of computing science and to be ‘digitally literate’ to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through digital technology. Our children will be able to use these skills to enhance their learning in other curriculum areas. We promote the school motto of ‘Learning for Life’ by designing and creating programmes with our pupils which have a clear purpose relevant to real life.


See also our:-

Online Safety Information for parents

 Progression of Skills in Computing

 Example of prior and future learning