Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Virtual Adventures

 Virtual Days out

The following links will allow you to explore the world and go on virtual visits and adventures without leaving home!

Follow up activities to these wonderful days out could include:

  • making a poster or leaflet 
  • creating a fact file, for example about a favourite animal
  • writing a diary about your day out
  • drawing a picture or diagram about something you've discovered
  • creating a guidebook for other visitors 
  • writing a review about your visit, recommending it to others - give it a star rating

Don't forget to take photos and send copies of your work to your teacher.  Your work could get published on the school facebook page.

Virtual Days Out weblinks:

Arctic Walk - a walk in the Arctic (suitable for younger children)

Panorama of the Empire State Building - spectacular views of New York City 

Virtual Field Trip Amazon Rainforest - YouTube video of the Amazon rainforest

San Diego Zoo - visit San Diego Zoo - amazing videos, activities and games

youtube Seattle Aquarium - Seattle aquarium 30 minute virtual tour

Georgia Aquarium - Georgia Aquarium - wonderful webcams

youtube Nat Geo Kids Shark - take a dive with a shark

Africam – Watch animals in the African bush live. 

Virtual Field Trip Pyramids - virtual tour of Egypt's pyramids

Anne Frank House – Take a 360-degree tour of Anne Frank’s home in Amsterdam.

The British Museum – View the museum’s galleries online.

Buckingham Palace – Tour the famous London palace virtually.

Explore – Watch animals all over the world with these live webcams.

Farm Tours – Learn about agriculture through these virtual tours of farms in Canada.

Great Wall of China – This panoramic virtual tour allows you to walk the Great Wall.

International Space Station – Take a video tour of the space station.

The Louvre Museum – Explore exhibits at this famous art museum in Paris, France.

Windsor Castle - virtual tour of Windsor Castle



Other activities:

https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/explorers - activities to do at home from the Canal and River Trust

https://creativestarlearning.co.uk/maths-outdoors/stick-insect-symmetry/ learn about symmetry creatively

https://creativestarlearning.co.uk/maths-outdoors/make-a-kite-by-re-using-plastic-bags-etc/ - make a kite

https://www.scouts.org.uk/the-great-indoors - indoor activities from the Scout Association

https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-kids-activities.html - Science at home