Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Year 4 home learning

Welcome to the Year 4 home learning area.

This page has an overview of work to be completed in the event of a school closure i.e. snow day or a student being ill but well enough to complete some work.

This work reflects the same learning that the children in school will be completing over the coming weeks.

You can email your child’s teacher with any questions about the work, they will aim to respond each day. Please contact your class teacher through Dojo.


You may prefer to use e mail: 

MrWhite@harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk  - Year 4

MsWilliamson@harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk -Year 4

MrsRushworth@harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk - Year 4

We expect children to do the following:

Read their home school reading book (preferably to an adult) for 15-30 minutes each day.

Practise their weekly spellings on spelling shed https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login for 15 minutes each day.

Practise their multiplication tables on TTRockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/21985 for 15 minutes each day


Complete one of the following tasks related to our current topic question (which can be found here https://www.harpurhill.derbyshire.sch.uk/classes-2/year-3-4 ):

Research information or use the knowledge you have learnt so far to produce a poster or a slide show.

Produce a relevant piece of artwork connected to the topic.


Please feel free to be creative and add any other learning activities for your child.


Books by our focus authors

Michael Morpurgo  

Tom Palmer  

Cressida Cowell 

David Walliams 

Your school reading book  

Any books you enjoy at home.


Useful links to other websites:  


