Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Reception home learning

Welcome to the Reception home learning area.  

This page has an overview of work to be completed in the event of a school closure i.e. snow day or a student being unwell but able to complete some work.

This work reflects the same learning that the children in school will be completing. You can also use these emails to contact your child’s class teacher with any queries regarding home learning. 



Any written tasks can be completed in your child’s existing homework journal. Please share all written and practical tasks with your teacher using tapestry or via email. Please make contact with your child's class teacher if you need any further assistance or a work pack printing.


Our Daily Expectations: 

Continue to read daily - please log into your ‘Phonics Bug’ account to access ebooks via https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk.  

Practise sound flashcards in bookbags. 

Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 and beyond, starting at any given number (Reception) 

When completing writing tasks please ensure that all children sound out and write the sounds they hear independently, using their phonics grids for support. Please do not write words/ sentences for your child to copy, at this stage we expect all children to write phonetically (we do not expect all spellings to be correct).